Extras: Sole Society, Less SEO, eBay Daily Deals, Pixazza

Einige weitere spannende E-Commerce-News aus den vergangenen Tagen:

Sole Society
Der US-Shoppingclub Hautelook, der kürzlich von der US-Warenhaus-Kette Nordstrom übernommen wurde, die selber mit Schuhen groß geworden ist, startet mit Sole Society einen eigenen Shoedazzle-Klon:


"Once your membership is activated you will automatically be charged $49.99 each month*, and that $49.99 allows you to pick one pair of shoes from the selections in your closet each month.

Don’t worry, even with a full membership you are not obligated to buy. You will always have the option to skip the month if your budget doesn’t allow for a new pair of shoes or you just don’t see anything you like.

You just have to make sure you log on and opt out BEFORE the 5th of the month. Now, if you don’t opt out in time and you end up not buying anything for the month, your $49.99 becomes a credit on your account to be used later."

eBay Daily Deals
eBay refokusiert sein Daily Deals auf hochpreisige Produkte:

"Last year the program featured a lot of $5-and-under items, eBay's Aimee Anderson said in an eBay Radio podcast interview, but they are now looking at "branded, really interesting, standalone products instead of the smaller accessories."

In a 4-day Daily Deals promotion, eBay sold 11,000 Barnes & Noble color ebook readers for $199 (the Nook Color was priced at $249 with a $50 coupon)."

SEO für Startups
SEO spielt, zumindest in den USA, eine zunehmend untergeordnete Rolle als Wachstumsmotor für Startups. Wenig verwunderlich in einer Facebook-Welt, in der zusätzlich Google alte Sites bevorzugt:

"I talk to lots of startups and almost none that I know of post-2008 have gained significant traction through SEO (the rare exceptions tend to be focused on content areas that were previously un-monetizable).

Google keeps its ranking algorithms secret, but it is widely believed that inbound links are the preeminent ranking factor. This ends up rewarding sites that are 1) older and have built up years of inbound links 2) willing to engage in aggressive link building, or what is known as black-hat SEO. (It is also very likely that Google rewards sites for the simple fact that they are older.

For educated guesses on which factors matter most for SEO, see SEOMoz’s excellent search engine ranking factors survey )."

Aus Auktionsideen wird INTERNETHANDEL
Das sich ursprünglich auf eBay-Themen konzentrierte Monatsmagazin Auktionsideen ändert den Namen und die Ausrichtung:

"Das bekannte Online-Magazin Auktionsideen hat zum 01. März 2011 seinen Namen geändert. Künftig wird das Fachmagazin für E-Commerce unter dem Titel INTERNETHANDEL erscheinen. Mit der Namensänderung untermauert das Team um Chefredakteur Mario Günther den fortschreitenden Strategiewechsel der vergangenen Jahre."

Pixazza, das visuelle AdSense, erreicht mittlerweile mehr als 70 Millionen Unique Visitors pro Monat:

"The company’s in-image advertisements now reaches more than 70 million unique visitors per month, which is an 80 percent increase in reach in just five months."

Pixazza hat zuletzt im Juli 2010 12 Millionen US-Dollar von Investoren erhalten. Pixazza hat insgesamt 17,8 Millionen US-Dollar erhalten.

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